“What Gibbs in The City”

The stories you'll find here are inspired by my interests in style, beauty + wellness which developed during my high school years, alongside my love for the 90’s hit show "Sex and the City." After college, l made my way to NYC and found fashion inspiration around every corner. I'm a color-obsessed creative, and like my yoga practice - fashion is another container I use to explore the world around and within me.

If you’re wondering, “What Gibbs” is a play on words for “What Gives” - a phrase used to ask the reason for something. Being inquisitive is one of my core values!

From the beginning…
Personal Victoria Gibbs Personal Victoria Gibbs

From the beginning…

“From the Beginning” is a starting point to share more about my life, style, and interests in the city. A little bit of yoga, but mostly fashion, food, and travel!

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